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Real Wines

Real Wines is run by Paul Li­v­ersedge, a half-Scot, half-Eng­lish­man who has spent over 15 years work­ing in se­nior po­si­tions in the pre­mium wine busi­ness in Lon­don, Hong Kong and, since 2005, Zurich. Paul orig­i­nally trained as an ac­coun­tant but his pas­sion for wine soon over­came his in­ter­est in bal­ance sheets and he has now be­come Switzer­land’s sec­ond Mas­ter of Wine, one of only 300 in the world. He has a wealth of ex­pe­ri­ence in pre­mium wine re­tail­ing and in spe­cial­ist fine wine buy­ing for drink­ing, in­vest­ment and re­sale to many of the world’s best known wine mer­chants.

His goal with Real Wines is sim­ple: to sell only wines which give great plea­sure and en­joy­ment to his cus­tomers, in a friendly, re­laxed but ef­fi­cient style, and at prices which are al­ways ex­tremely rea­son­able given the qual­ity in the bot­tle.


Real Wines
Im Junker 8
8143 Stallikon

Telefon: 043 466 08 90
Fax: 043 466 08 89

